Jack Skellington Inspired Mask and Bowtie Foam Pattern | The Nightmare Before Christmas


Become the Pumpkin King with these inspired patterns of Jack Skellington! This set includes both the face mask and bowtie patterns. They are designed to be used with EVA/craft foam and primarily serve as a base design for you to build off of. Add and subtract from the base form to create your mask and tie how you desire.
The mask covers the entire upper face, including nose, with guides for cutting above the nose if desired, and details to indicate the placement of his lips. They are designed to follow on from the wearer's lips, allowing the wearer to freely speak and act without any obstruction from the mask.

Included files are a PDF (A4 and Letter) of the patterns and a ReadMe file with tips for scaling and construction, along with a detailed Foam Pattern Guide.

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For questions on commercial use, please contact me.

Character Rights belong to Disney and Tim Burton, the original creator of Jack Skellington and The Nightmare Before Christmas. This is a fan made piece and is not directly associated with Disney or Tim Burton.

"This year, Christmas will be... ours!"

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